Name: Penn State University Park_Centre County PA 1949 Aerial Photos
Display Field: PhotoID
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: To generate approximate historic aerial photo center points – photos were aligned and georeferenced in three dimensions using Agisoft Metashape and using a minimum number of ground control points, typically between 5 and 12 depending on the size of the project. Estimates of each camera pose, including geographic coordinates, were then exported to create a digital index for the collection. This digital index is intended to facilitate discovery and access, but not for research purposes. These aerial images were obtained from 9"x9" film roll. The film was gifted to the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information in 2021. These photos of the Centre Region are at a 1”:9600’ scale. They were captured in April 1949. There are 177 scans at 800dpi. These scans provide partial coverage of Centre County, PA, including the Penn State University Park campus and surrounding towns.
Description: To generate approximate historic aerial photo center points – photos were aligned and georeferenced in three dimensions using Agisoft Metashape and using a minimum number of ground control points, typically between 5 and 12 depending on the size of the project. Estimates of each camera pose, including geographic coordinates, were then exported to create a digital index for the collection. This digital index is intended to facilitate discovery and access, but not for research purposes. These photos of Cambria County are at a 1” = 1000’ scale. They were captured between April 14th, 2001 and November 19th, 2001. There are forty-three strips with photographs scanned at this scale, with 457 scans in total at a 800dpi on an Epson Expression 11000 scanner. These scans provide partial coverage of Cambria County and are scanned North to South. The data was provided by LR Kimball Aerial Photography to Cambria County which can be reached at (814 )472-7700. These photos were given to the Donald W. Hamer Center for Maps and Geospatial Information in 2017.
Copyright Text: Cambria County, PA. GIS. Aerial Imagery 2001, collected by LR Kimball Aerial Photography.